Lake Erie: October 02, 2010
Port Stanley: Harbour – 3:45 PM. It rained steadily all day and will continue through the night. It's a real fall day. I've had the furnace on a couple of times because of the dampness and even Cleo wasn't that interested in going out today but we did for a few minutes. The rain makes my hair all poofy and oddly enough, it makes Cleo smell like a wet dog - go figure.
Lake Erie: October 01, 2010
Port Stanley: Main Beach – 5:15 PM. A day at the beach.
Port Stanley: East side – 6:00 PM. The waters of a quiet lake being tickled by a playful breeze.
Lake Erie: September 30, 2010
Port Stanley: East side at lake level - 4:30 PM. A lovey, gentle September day.
Port Stanley: East side at lake level - 4:30 PM. A day at the beach. A group of crows hope a Bald Eagle is in a sharing mood (click to enlarge). And so ends another month.
Lake Erie: September 29, 2010
Port Stanley: Harbour – 8:15 AM. The mist burning off in the early morning light.
Lake Erie: September 28, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 4:30 PM. Rainy all day. A great excuse to stay inside, working on the computer all day except for Cleo's insistance on going for a walk.
Port Stanley: East side – 4:45 PM. Rainy - yes but the colours are always so vivid in the wet.
Lake Erie: September 27, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 10:15 AM. An overcast day that settled into rain towards evening.
Lake Erie: September 26, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 10:45 AM. One of those days - in spite of increasing cloud and cooling temperatures, there was a great deal of beauty in the day. (As always).
Port Stanley: Harbour – 10:45 AM.
Port Stanley: Harbour – 7:15 PM.
Port Stanley: Harbour – 7:15 PM.