Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lake Erie: January 30, 2010

South End of Graham Road: 10:15 AM. Very still and cold last night - the Lake has skinned over with ice.

South End of Graham Road: 10:15 AM. Intake for West Elgin's water system.

Port Stanley: East side – 5:15 PM. Just before the full moon rises. Everything is still and bathed in beautiful soft evening light, perhaps to make up for the fact that it will go down to -15C tonight.

Port Stanley: East side – 5:15 PM.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Lake Erie: January 29, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 11:15 AM. Beautiful all day long - to look at anyway. It was breezy and bitterly cold again.


South End of Iona Road: 3:45 PM. Port Stanley is just visible in the very centre of the photo.

South End of Iona Road: 3:45 PM.

Port Stanley: Harbour – 4:45 PM.

Port Stanley: East side, Lake level – 5:45 PM. OK - one more. Full moon rising - who could resist?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lake Erie: January 28, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 11:30 AM. In spite of the sun, there is a bitterly cold wind and squalls all around.

Port Stanley: East side – 11:30 AM. Even the surface of the Lake is shuddering in the wind.

Port Stanley: East side – 11:30 AM. The Eagles are back, trying to draw a little warmth from the sun while it lasts. Since they are visiting frequently together, there is a chance they may be scouting the neighbourhood for a nest site. Perhaps they already have one. There are several secluded spots in the ravines along the shore, although it's hard to hide an Eagle's nest - they are huge! There are still a few very large trees left - Oak, Maple, Ash - that will support the size and weight of a nest that is, on average 1.5-1.8 meters in diameter and 0.7-1.2 meters tall -  6' X 3' (ish).
For a very informative article on Bald Eagle nests visit:

About Bald Eagle Nests by Laura Erickson


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lake Erie: January 27, 2010

Port Burwell: 4:00 PM.

Port Burwell: 4:00 PM. It's been mostly sunny all day but now the clouds are drawing in. The wind has been strong and raw.

Port Bruce: 4:15 PM.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lake Erie: January 26, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 10:45 AM. It's back to winter again - cold, windy and dull.

Port Stanley: East side – 10:45 AM


Port Stanley: East side at Lake level – 4:15 PM. Same posts as seen in the photo above. It's snowing a little but it feels like a blizzard because the wind has picked up even more.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lake Erie: January 25, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 10:45 AM. A night of rain, wind and waves has pushed the chunks of ice back to shore.


Port Stanley: East side – 10:45 AM.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lake Erie: January 24, 2010

Port Stanley: Harbour – 9:45 AM. It's raining and will continue to rain all day. I don't like it - the camera hates it - even Cleo's trying to drag me back to the house.

Port Stanley: East side – 9:45 AM.