Welcome to a daily view of Lake Erie. I hope to share with you this exquisite presence that is my muse and companion and exists just beyond my front porch.
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Port Stanley: East side – 10:15 AM. A typical cool, overcast Fall day. Very pleasant after the muggyness of the past several days.
Port Stanley: East side – 10:30 AM.
Port Stanley: Harbour – 6:15 PM.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lake Erie: September 24, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 5:00 PM. A very warm, very windy day. The speck in the sky is an eagle. To see it a bit better, click on the photo to enlarge it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Lake Erie: September 23, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 5:30 PM. Looks like we're in for a foggy night at the Lake.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lake Erie: September 22, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 9:30 AM.
Port Stanley: Harbour – 7:00 PM.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Lake Erie: September 21, 2010
Port Stanley: East side – 9:15 AM. Unsettled sky and a restless Lake. The day was very warm and muggy, with the forcast of thunder showers and rain over the next few days. Fall and a full moon at the same time will make for interesting weather.
Port Stanley: East side – 5:45 PM. I think I'll post a series of these to show the leaves changing.