Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lake Erie: May 29, 2010

Port Stanley: Harbour – 10:45 AM.

Port Stanley: East side – 11:00 AM.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lake Erie: May 28, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 9:45 AM. I don't think you are supposed to see the air you breathe. 

Port Stanley: East side – 10:00 AM. Another hot, still morning. 

South End of Iona Road: 4:15 PM.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lake Erie: May 27, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 9:30 AM. This was the Lake this morning, including the fade up to the hazy sky. 

Port Stanley: East side – 6:30 PM. More lazy geese beside a lazy Lake. The heat today was just too much. Anyone or any thing with a lick of sense was lazy in self defense. Not including the poor buggers putting a new roof on the cottage down the street. 

Port Stanley: East side – 9:30 PM.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lake Erie: May 26, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 9:00 AM. No - not geese in space - just a completely still Lake, flattened by the heat and humidity even this early in the day.  

Port Stanley: East side – 9:00 AM.

Port Stanley: Harbour – 9:15 AM.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lake Erie: May 25, 2010

Port Bruce: 3:30 PM. Wonky weather! The new spring leaves are of a colour that is incongruous and a bit harsh against a Lake that looks more like Summer.

Port Bruce: 3:30 PM. The heat and humidity cause the sunlight to paint the Lake surface in brilliant, uncommon blues.

Port Stanley: Harbour – 9:00 PM. A sunset like this and the nearly full moon that's out there now can only be viewed as a gift.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lake Erie: May 24, 2010

Port Stanley: Harbour – 2:45 PM. Just a typical July holiday - high 20's higher humidex and the Lake is full. No wait - it's only May 24. I hope this isn't proportional to what the summer will bring.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lake Erie: May 23, 2010

Port Stanley: East side – 11:30 AM. It was a very foggy morning by the Lake and it lasted much of the day. This lovely bit of bead-work on a spider web was a nice bonus.


Port Glasgow Marina: 4:30 PM. Fog on the Lake all day - at least I'm pretty sure there's a Lake there somewhere. It was a very warm day - more like July. Perfect for the Holiday week-end.

Port Stanley: Harbour – 6:30 PM. By evening, the temperature started to drop and the fog evaporated, leaving the surface very still.


Port Stanley: Harbour – 6:45 PM. The Lake was so calm that the boat wakes were still on the water 15 minutes later.